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Resolution of Appreciation for Dorothy Scott Chesser

Resolution of Appreciation

Dorothy Scott Chesser

from the DREAAM House Board of Directors

We, the Board of Directors of DREAAM House, grieve with and for our Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Tracy Dace, upon the physical death of his Mother, Dorothy Scott Chesser.

Whereas our Friend and Brother Tracy Dace was born into a Christian home and nurtured with siblings by a Mother committed to loving God and serving neighbor;

Whereas Ms. Chesser nurtured and served not only her own children but also the children in her community as their constant advocate for justice and dignity;

Whereas we all stand on the shoulders of giants, and Ms. Chesser was one such giant in her community and in the State of Mississippi from whom generations of neighbors have drawn strength and hope;

Whereas we affirm with Paul in his letter to the church in Corinth that “If one member [of the body] suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it” (First Corinthians 12:26).

Therefore, be it resolved that we celebrate the life and legacy of Dorothy Scott Chesser; we grieve her loss; we rejoice in her life; we thank God for her witness; and we recommit with hope and courage to live into our calling to love and serve our neighbors—especially the children and families entrusted to our care—in whose face is graven the image of God.

Respectfully submitted, on behalf of the DREAAM House Board of Directors,

William P. “Matt” Matthews, Jr

President of the Board

January 21st, 2022

Champaign, Illinois


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